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Life Science under 6 Themes
Satisfy your curiosities from everyday life.
Discover science is behind everyday objects and phenomena and try to understand their scientific principles.
Explorative & Experiential Exhibits: Exhibits to experience and explore scientific principles.
Here you can experience core scientific principles.
Comprehensible Commentary: Interesting commentary is provided in consideration of audience’s level of understanding in science.
Active participation: Explore scientific principles by participating in activities and experiments.
Comprehensive Cultural Space: Space for relaxing, experiential and scientific curiosity
If you shake a bottle where big elements are sunk at the bottom, they go up. Observe and think about what scientific principles are behind it, thinking about related daily experiences.
Scientific Principles : Brazil Nut Effect, Convection Currents
At this corner you can see the differences in heat conductivity of 4 different materials(aluminium, stainless steel, copper, steel). Watch how images change in thermal imaging cameras as your palm temperature transfers to steels’ surface. This experiment is to understand the differences of heat conductivity in different materials.
Scientific Principles : Thermionic conduction and thermal conductivity
Contents inside tumblers can be kept warm for a long time thanks to convection current, conduction and thermal radiation. Let’s find out the structures of tumblers making it possible. Try assembling single structure, dual structure with air layer and dual structure without air layer to heat source devices to see the difference yourself.
Scientific Principles : Heat Conduction and Conductivity
By touching cups wrapped with coils in different temperatures(cold coils=15~30°c, hot coils=35~40°c), participants would feel a sting, which is caused by relative difference of temperatures not their absolute difference.
Scientific Principles : Thermal Grill Illusion
Rub static electricity rod against the clothes of experiment participants or prepared clothes to cause static electricity, and play basketball game or soccer game using the caused static electricity. Through this activity, you can see for yourself if clothes of different textures and rods of different materials cause stronger or weaker static electricity when they are rubbed against.
Scientific Principles : Fictional Electricity, Static Electricity.
Observe yourself with flat mirror in the middle, tilted concave mirror and convex mirror, trying to understand mirror reflection and deflection. Figure out how mirrors should be arranged in clothing stores to make you look slimmer trying changing the curves and inclination of mirrors.
Scientific Principles : Types of Mirrors, Reflection and Deflection
Let’s see how to measure the level of fine dusts using light scattering method. Push pumps to create different sized fine dusts and project laser on them. This experiment is to understand how we measure the level of find dusts by measuring the voltage of the scattered light on dusts and how much time it takes.
Rotational inertia differs depending on whether what’s inside is liquid or solid. Using this scientific principle, we can tell if some eggs are raw or boiled without having to crack them.
Scientific Principles : Law of Inertia
Record your voice both with general microphone and throat vibration microphone in a setting free from sound interruption, and then listen to them in comparison. This experiment is to see how and why your voice sounds differently when you hear them yourself and when others hear them.
Scientific Principles : Delivery of Sound
Set a laser bim to be projected at a screen when participants make sound. Observe how the bim pattern made on the screen is shaped by the loudness and intensity of the sound.
Scientific Principles : Characteristics of Sound
With an earthquake-proof building sample model in display, try assembling earthquake-resistant building kits where related scientific principles are applied such as principles of earthquake-resistance, vibration isolation and seismic protection. Place the displayed sample model and your own assembled building blocks on earthquake s-wave shake tables for testing. Also, test out how fluids reduce the intensity of shaking.
Scientific Principles : Earthquake Magnitude, Earthquake-Proof Design/ Generation and Transmission of Seismic Waves
Adjust electric output of transmission coils(by changing how many times the coils are wound) and see how they affect the lighting and the operation of pinwheel.
Scientific Principles : Cause of Magnetism and Induced Current
Install different eccentricity and vibration motors with different vibration sounds in mockup smart phones and use controllers so to operate the vibration motors, playing music. Design the exhibit in a way to allow audience to see where in smart phones cause vibration and have them observe the way the vibration works by enabling audience to operate the exhibit themselves.
Scientific Principles : Creation and Delivery of Sound Wave
Compare the angle of repose determined by the size of particles and understand scientific principles behind it.
Scientific Principles : Angle of Repose
In summer, parasols are commonly used to protect us from the scorching sun. Here try 3 different colors of parasols to understand which color better blocks sun light and is less subject to solar and terrestrial radiation.
Scientific Principles : Light Absorption, Reflection and Wavelengths
By an experiment of filling in the surface areas of some solid figures with the same perimeter but different shapes ─ regular triangle, square and regular hexagon, figure out which one has the most surface area and has the most economical, solid and stable structure.
Scientific Principles : Plane Figures _ Characteristics of Solid Figures
While sunlight goes through refraction, passing through countless water droplets and dispersion, resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky, it is perceived as a rainbow in human eyes(sunlight=visible light).
Scientific Principles : Reflection, Refraction and Dispersion of Light
Generate lightening using Tesla coils with a diorama miniature village prepared where a lightening rod and a steeple are placed. Set lightening to hit the lightening rod and steeple, and then observe where lightening hits first. Find out how lightening is generated and why it makes a zigzag pattern.
Scientific Principles : Lightning, Static Electricity, Lightning Rod
Set egg box panel and mockup eggs. Then, walk on the eggs watching a video showing how pressures are placed on them during the walking. This is to understand the structural characteristics of eggs, which enable people to walk on them.
Scientific Principles : Power Distribution in Arch Structures
Use a soccer ball and smoke maker to observe how the flow of air changes surround and behind the ball when the ball is spinning or not spinning.
Scientific Principles : Karman’s Vortex Street and Magnus Effect
Take a video of the scene where you kick a ball. Then watch the video in slow motion to check the kicking point in the ball, affecting how it spin and flies. Observe and think about its cause-and-effect.
Scientific Principles : Karman’s Vortex Street and Magnus Effect
This experiment is to find the sweet spot in the baseball bat which increases the chance of the ball’s hitting a home run when hit. Drop a baseball and observe the reaction force of the ball when it bounces off the ground, finding the sweet spot and figuring out its characteristics.
Scientific Principles : Vibration, Sweet Spot
Take a video of hitting a ball and show it in slow motion to see how the ball is flying. This is to find out how the ball’s flying trace is affected by where in the bat the ball is hit.
Set a bumpy ground, place 3-legged, 4-legged, 5-legged camera stands on it, and see which one’s all legs can reach the ground. Also, try sitting down on chairs with 3 legs, 4 legs and 5 legs to find the most stable structure. Find out how 4-legged, 5-legged and 6-legged chairs are used in daily life.
Scientific Principles : Plane Figures _ Critical Factors in Flat Surface
When coins pass through the opposite poles of magnets, currents are induced ending up putting a brake on rolling-down coins. Since different types of coins contain different kinds of metals and their masses differ, the force amount of brake put on different kinds of coins cause them to fall on different spots in the vending machines. Let’s try to understand this principle in vending machines or coin changers.
Scientific Principles : Induced Currents
Check out the kind of information contained in daily-used QR code, create and print out your own QR code.
Place stop-motion dummies in an intended order. You would observe the motion of the dummies is perceived sometimes as consecutive motion, or stop motion or reverse motion depending on the intensity of LED strobe lights’ vibration. This experiment is to find scientific principles behind this phenomena, namely optical illusion and afterimage of vision.
Scientific Principles : Optical Illusion and Afterimage/ Strobe Effect
Vestibular organs(semicircular canals), which control vision and balance, are responsible for the body’s balance system. If the information about something’s vision and balance is not identical, people get to feel motion sickness. Ride VR simulator to understand how motion sickness is caused when this happens.
Scientific Principles : Sensory Mismatch
Let’s find out why things weigh differently in two different kinds of liquids with different density. This experiment is to explore scientific principles behind how the same object weighs differently depending on the density of the liquids which it is soaked in. Let’s see how the liquid’s density affects gravity and buoyancy put on the object, observing weight difference in two different liquids.
Scientific Principles : Density and Buoyancy
Experiment on water rockets, which is launched by law of action and reaction. Inject air in a container filled with of water to launch the rocket by the air pressure. Tying altering the amount of water to experiment on how to launch the rocket higher.
Scientific Principles : Newton’s Third Law
Place two current-inducing devices on the floor with small distance in-between and run a mockup car near them to measure its speed. Set up the devices to detect when the mockup car passes between the two devices over a speed limit, which will turn on a camera. Let’s find out the measuring process of over-speeding the types of materials composing mockup cars whose speed can’t be measured.
Scientific Principles : Electromagnetic Induction/Speed and Acceleration
Fast-spinning objects seem to spin backwards, which is called “wagon-wheel effect”, Let’s figure out how it happens.
Scientific Principles : Afterimage.
Set a human-shaped standing sign on an electrically powered wheel and shoot balls at them trying to get it off balance. See for yourself how the electric wheel keeps balanced and find out how Gyro sensors work, which help things stay balanced.
Let’s compare passenger ships A. with anti-rolling devices and B. without one on how they differ when swayed side to side by winds or waves. This is to see how anti-rolling devices reduce shaking, stabilizing the ship and enabling a balanced sailing.
Scientific Principles : Dynamic Stability of Ships
Try yourself how the wings of an airplane feel lighter or heavier when the wings are affected by wind lift or not affected in order to understand how lift force works.
Scientific Principles : Lift Force
Make traffic signs of retro-reflection panels with different fluorescence and prism structures, shine lights on them and try spinning the signs, experimenting on how visibility varies depending on the angle of projected lights on them. This is to find out why traffic signs are more visible in dark by observing how reflection of light happens on retro-reflective prisms.
Scientific Principles : Reflection and Refraction of Light, Retro-Reflection
Find out about what you are curious about in daily life through this openable panels and write down your curiosities on the white-colored wall glasses, which will be answered by ph.D holders in various fields. They will brief you on answers to your questions with explanations on scientific principles.